Linear Feedback Control


  • Each week, slides and/or videos will be uploaded
  • Grading will be based on one (1) final project & report

Learning Objectives:

  • Study how to model linear systems using state-space models;
  • learn fundamental system properties: stability, controllability, observability;
  • design feedback controllers for linear systems.


  • Prof. Kai Cai (Engineering Building F-610)
  • Email:
  • Office hour: anytime appointment by email

Lecture Schedule:

  • Period: Oct. 2024 -- Jan. 2025
  • Day and Time: Wednesdays 10:45-12:15

Textbook / Reference:

Lecture notes in class will cover all contents. Two excellent references are:

  1. B.A. Francis, "Systems Control", lecture notes, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, 2008. (PDF posted for study purpose: part1, part2, part3, ECE557_part4.pdf, part5, part6)
  2. J.P. Hespanha, " Linear Systems Theory", Princeton University Press, 2009. (Copies to be lent by request)


Use the following Jupyter Hub:


Linear Algebra, Introduction to Control Engineering

Course Outline:

    Dates              Topics
  1. 2024.10.02 Introduction, state models